• 2020,  Rashida Murphy

    REPOST: Moving in from the Margins with Rashida Murphy

    My best laid plans to publish a fresh interview before the new year has gone awry so here is a repost of  my interview with Rashida Murphy from earlier this year.   ***     Rashida Murphy is a Perth based writer, poet, mentor, and author of The Historian’s Daughter (2016, UWAP).  She has a Masters in English Literature and a PhD in Creative Writing from Edith Cowan University.  Rashida is also known in the local writing community for being a big supporter of emerging writers, especially those of us who are—for lack of a better term— ‘people of colour’, ‘ethnic writers’, ‘non-whites’, ‘third world looking’, ‘multicultural Australians’ [insert a…

  • UWA Publishing

    Writers, academics and artists protest against the closure of UWAP – Open Letter

    “It devalues our local writers and shows a lack of interest by the university in the literary culture of WA.”     https://watoday.com.au/culture/books/dull-and-lifeless-backlash-grows-at-uwa-move-to-dump-print-publishing-20191122-p53d7m.html   [UWAP authors Nadia Rhook and Annamaria  Weldon]     We, the undersigned, protest the decision by UWA to close University of Western Australia Publishing (UWAP). We protest for our wages and the wages of other writers. We protest for designers, printers, bookstores, IT professionals, and other associated industries. We protest for our historians, scientists, workers in politics, academics, and truth seekers. We protest for the emerging writers and academics UWAP consistently provides with first publication, and enables publication elsewhere through recognition, prizes, and events. We protest…